Female Pattern Baldness

In our daily life, it is normal to lose 100-150 hair strands, and usually, the hair tends to grow back in some time. If hair loss is increasing with each passing day and exceeds the rate of regrowth there are no visible results of growth of new hair, then it can be because of female pattern baldness and should be treated with an appropriate solution.

Female Pattern Baldness

What is Female Pattern Baldness?

In medical terms, female pattern baldness is known as Androgenetic Alopecia, which is a kind of hair loss that women face.

It cannot be denied that both men and women face hair loss but it is experienced comparatively less in women than men and the appearance and symptoms in both are completely different. In the case of men, the hairline starts to recede and bald patches start to show up in several areas of head and beard. While in the case of women, the main effect of female pattern baldness shows up on the hair volume, and hair thinning is experienced.

The primary sign of this type of hair loss is that you will start to feel like the volume of hair is not as thick as before and, in some cases, the widening part on the scalp is visible but the receding hairline is not very common in women.

Female pattern baldness is not as frequent as male pattern baldness. More than half of the total population of women enjoys full hair on their head, all their lifetime. Unlike male pattern baldness, it is not seen in teenage or early twenties. It is usually seen in the 40s or 50s and increases with the growing age.

What are the main causes of female pattern baldness?

  1. Heredity: - Heredity is considered as a common factor for female pattern baldness, which means this problem of hair loss is passed by your family or your close relatives. A female can inherit the hair loss pattern from her mother or father as well. It is more common to be seen with growing age and it often develops with menopause. Change in hormones is a major factor in this.

  2. Autoimmune Disease: - Autoimmune disorder can also contribute to female pattern baldness and one such disease is alopecia areata. It is a very unusual disorder, which attacks hair follicles that leads to hair loss.

  3. Medicines: -Several medicines and antibodies have side-effects and can react and cause hair loss. The medication of cancer is one such example. Once you stop taking these medicines or antibiotics, your hair will have the chance to grow back.

  4. Sickness: - After some infection, illness, fever, or surgery, some people experience hair loss, which is usually temporary. However, in some cases, this hair loss can lead to female pattern baldness.

  5. Traction Alopecia: -Hair loss is also common if you wear braids, tight ponytails, crown braids, and cornrows, etc. very often. Pulling of hair strands causes stress on follicles, and thus, such hairstyles can cause female pattern baldness.

What are the treatments for female pattern baldness?

Several treatments are recommended by the experts considering the cause as well as the amount of hair loss. The right treatment can help you to prevent hair loss in the future and may also help in the new growth of your hair. Depending upon your hair loss factors, the treatment can vary from short-term treatment to long-term treatment, which is as follows:

  • Hair Transplant: - This is the only long-lasting treatment of baldness, in which the donor hair from the scalp is used to insert on the affected area. Since some parts of the head experience hair loss, doctors usually extract the hair grafts from the scalp areas with healthy and sufficient hair growth. Several techniques are used in hair transplantation surgery, but the most popular one is Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) by either Strip method or fue method. It is a long process and anesthesia is used to avoid pain at the surgical part of the head.

  • Laser Treatment: - Laser treatment can be tried at home as well but it is always recommended to be performed under expert supervision. The laser light at a low level can stimulate new growth of hair in both women and men.

  • Minoxidil: - It is a topical medication that is applied to the scalp for hair growth and to reduce the amount of hair loss. It does not show instant results and takes up to a year for visible outcomes. It is not a permanent solution; you can experience hair loss again once you stop applying it. This treatment has some side effects such as dryness, itchiness, etc.


If the cause of hair loss is heredity, then practically you may not be able to prevent it. But still, there are several methods and tips for women to reduce hair breakage and damage and to keep hair healthy. These useful tips are mentioned below:/p>

  • Avoid chemical treatments such as permanent straightening and hair coloring.
  • Avoid the use of heating tools such as blow dryers, curlers, heat rollers, etc.
  • Eat healthy food that is rich in vitamins, proteins, and iron.
  • Direct sunlight can damage your hair; always cover your hair with a hat or a scarf.
  • Do not comb your wet hair.
  • Use a detangling brush or paddle brush to remove all the tangles of your hair.
  • Do not braid your hair too often and for too long.